Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Young and Restless in China

An excellent documentary came out on PBS last night. It was done by the same "China Hand" Sue Williams who has made a strings of films on China in recent years. What's new about this one is that it's more current. It's about the young and restless in China.

But in reality, restlessness or 浮躁 (Fu Zao in Chinese) isn't a quality that is reserved only for young people. Everyone in China is restless in one way or another. The whole country is on the move and no one feels secure. As the amount of opportunities increases, so does people's expectations, ambitions and of course frustrations and crushed dreams. Today's China is essentially in the early stage of Capitalism: while enjoying unprecedented growth, it is also a battlefield where the law of "survival of the fittest" runs supreme.

Highly recommend this documentary.

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